Sunday, December 19, 2010

The year of the crutch

I hope that you are all having a wonderful holiday season.

We have sent out a card this year, which is actually unusual for us. We are often too busy to get it done or have some other excuse for it. But it occurred to me that I have far more email addresses than I do mailing addresses. So why not do something more this year and put together a blog for this season's greeting. So there you are, and here is the greeting.

The reason for the title of this posting is, well interesting. Brandi and I have both had some time this year in crutches. They are interesting torture devices that leave you with additional pains and bruises besides the ones that are forcing you to use them in the first place. Just a few weeks ago Brandi was carrying a pumpkin to the trash and twisted her ankle. Luckily nothing broken, but it sure did bruise and swell up nicely. She started walking about 2 weeks ago now and is getting better. And of course most of you had heard about me tearing my Achilles in March this year. That was fun too, I am healing well and pretty much back to my old self now and have an interesting story to tell those that want to hear it. But since I have told it so many times now and would be repeating myself I will not tell it again here.

Alex will be 16 this year, so stay off the sidewalks if you know what's good for you. Actually he's passed a driving course and is anxious to get his drivers license in a few days. He is getting great grades in his sophomore year, despite having his first long time girlfriend. He is now officially bigger than me, both in height and weight. I have to admit that its great having someone around when I need a hand doing a little lifting or even needing my back popped in a nice bear hug. An interesting thing about Alex this year is that he became interested in the Rubik's cube. You remember that impossible cube with all the colors? Well, he's now able to solve one in about 2 min, and he didn't even have to take it apart. It sure seems impressive right... but he claims that once you master the several algorithms that it takes to solve one, its actually quite easy. I'm going to take his word for it, and remain in awe.

Alyssa is also growing at a substantial rate and I expect that she is also going to be taller than both Brandi and I. She already comes up to my nose and has just turned 12 years old. This year she is in middle school and I am pretty sure that her favorite class is choir. She performed in a fall program where she sang with a large group of children to a standing room only crowd. It was impressive and they all sounded great. Her teacher loves the Beatles and so she and Alyssa have that in common and they get to do a little "fun singing" with some of those songs.

I find myself looking for what to say here as far as what has happened this year. And, as i write I realize that the old saying about how "the more things change, the more they stay the same" is actually pretty true. I find myself trying to keep up with the house, work, rental, wife, kids, and pets all the time... and I know that Brandi feels the same most days. But everyone has that to deal with so nothing new to say there that's really all that interesting. I do have one interesting story I will tell this year...

I was looking on Facebook and typing in some names of long lost buddies from way back. Well, I happened to find someone that I had not seen since about 4th or 5th grade, so I had to be about 10 the last time we hung out. Well now here I am 38, nearly 30 years later. Anyway, I had sent a probing email because I was not certain but I did hope that it was him, it had been a long time and it's hard to tell. Well sure enough he remembered me and he was as excited about getting in touch again as I was. It was pretty cool to get together and chat a little over a meal. We reminisced over some old childhood memories of riding our bikes around Lebanon, playing marbles as silly as it sounds, and talked about some other random things. I have to say that it was pretty awesome and exciting to get together and hope that we will still be able to do so and continue to stay in touch.

...That has to be one of the most interesting and exciting things I can think of for this year. I'll save him the embarrassment of mentioning his name in this blog, he knows who he is.

Work, like family and friends, is a big part of most people's lives, and mine is no different. I have been very busy this year on some pretty big projects. It has been great to be a part of the excitement and I have enjoyed, and continue to enjoy working with some great, and very talented individuals. Again, you know who you are and I thank you for being part of my life in the last year.

I can't think of more to say for now, but that's the nice thing about a blog, I can add more to it later if I like, however unlikely that is. At least until the holiday's are over this year.

I hope that you all have a wonderful and safe holiday season,
The Kerher's

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